How to Care for and Clean a Paper Shredder
How to Clean and Care for a Paper Shredder?

After purchasing a paper shredder for either domestic or business, you will need to mantain it regularly. You might wonder, “How do you properly care for and clean a paper shredder?” Using the steps below, you will be able to keep it in excellent condition.
After using, there will be a lot of paper scraps and debris of different sizes inside the shredder, which must be cleaned regularly, otherwise it will clog the machine. The specific cleaning steps are as follows:
1. Firstly, switch off and unplug the shredder to ensure safety.
2. Turn the mode selector switch to the "reverse" position and turn the machine upside down until the shredder head is facing down.
3. Use a brush or cotton thread to gently clean the cutting blades and remove any debris and paper residue left inside the machine.
4. Empty the shredder's wastebasket and wipe the interior and exterior surfaces with a cleaning cloth or paper towel.
5. Turn the machine over and plug it in, start the shredder and test that it works properly.

All shredders require oiling for peak performance. If not olied, the shredder may experience diminished sheet capacity, intrusive noise when shredding, and could ultimately stop working.To avoid these poblems and to prolong the shredder's lifespan, we suggest oiling shredder each time you empty your waste bin.

Use the machine regularly
Understand the machine's capacity and running time

The next time you are wondering how to properly clean and maintain your shredder, please refer to the steps listed above. Remember that even with proper maintenance, you will still need to replace your old shredder at some point. If you have any questions about paper shredders, please email us at
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